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How to Setup an Online Conference

Hey! Here I am speaking to Yann Ilunga from the Podcast Success Summit. Yeah!

Chatting to Yann got me really fired up about online conferences. They’re pretty much the closest thing you can get to meeting real life at a conference.

Join the Podcast Success Summit

I’m absolutely honoured to be in a lineup of some really, really amazing podcasting speakers.

You can get free access right now at It’s well worth joining in. I really like the idea that the name is so positive. Success. Summit. Virtual. Online. Now.

3 Reasons I Love Online Conferences

Today is day 20 of 100 new media tools to promote our physical in person conference New Media Europe. I love online conferences and here are three reasons why: coordination, cost, chat. You like the alliteration I did there?

Number one, coordination. No geographic boundaries. You can have attendees from anywhere in the world and likewise, speakers from any time zone.

Number two, cost. Usually these online conferences are free guaranteeing a huge turnout of people who are interested in the same thing as you. Organiser makes money on the back end.

Number three, chat. Well, I guess I could have called it networking but that wouldn’t have had a nice alliteration ring to it. Usually they have chat rooms these conferences.

UK Podcasters Online Conference Planning

Here’s the project for my team and I today. Since our very first conference in 2014 called #ukpod14, we’ve been asked time and time again, “Mike and Izabela, when, when, when will you set up a podcasting conference to bring the whole of the UK Podcasters community together again?” Today is the day that my team and I will start to create an online UK Podcasters Conference. The idea of the conference will be to have podcasters based in the UK who are crushing it online in the podcasting space. We’ve not got much time to make it happen. 21st of April and 22nd of April, a non-stop UK Podcasters Conference.

Schedule Speakers Using Calendly

The main goal is to create a conference with great content from UK podcasters for free. For anyone to attend, and enjoy, and network. The tool I’ll be using today, it’s called Calendly. You can find it at Simple, beautiful scheduling.

This is what we’re going to do today. My team and I are going to reach out to podcasters we know, based in the UK, and invite them to join us at the UK Podcasters Conference online.

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