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Social Media Scheduling to Double Your Traffic


Social media scheduling tools have been around for some time. With the years they are becoming more and more sophisticated too.

Is it OK to do social media scheduling?

The very first question that comes to mind is whether it is OK to schedule or not? Is that something that is ethical and OK to your readers? Is it OK to “pretend” something is news right now, when in fact it isn’t? I was approached the other day by one of my “less tech oriented” friends. He complemented me and said how lovely to see a genuine stream of tweets on my account. Always nice to read and interesting too. I really did’t have the heart to tell him it is all because of meeting Edgar 🙂

Buffering away

My very first encounter with online scheduling for my social media was with Buffer. I loved how easy it was to use it, how flawless the setup looked on the back end. Most importantly it was just straightforward and I knew what I was doing each step of the way. Eventually I have outsourced the work of social media scheduling to our VA. The only thing that I was missing was the ability to recycle the content. Many people I know would say that by recycling the content you are in some way cheating the system and cheating your audience. You stop publishing the “news” and they become just another worthless piece of social media crap everyone else also posts. I couldn’t help but disagree!

Numbers don’t lie

Whilst I appreciate the strong minded opinions and conservative approach to sharing your “news” the numbers actually don’t lie! Your one single tweet is likely to be shown to a very tiny fraction of your audience. I have analysed countless tweets on my personal Twitter account for this purpose. On average each tweet I post will have 370 impressions. I have 12,800 followers which will mean that only 2.8% of my followers will be “shown” this in my feed. I would need to tweet the same thing 35 times in order to start showing it to the same people (potentially of course as hard to get the right numbers for this). I knew that with the right amount of content (and being on top of refreshing the feed) I could do better than Buffer.

Ladies and gents… meet Edgar!

I stumbled upon MeetEdgar when we knew that our businesses (and personal accounts) outgrew the current social media system we had. I was also frustrated that the awesome content we create is not utilised ALL the time. It almost felt as if we were spending all of this money on our virtual assistant and we knew it was the money we didn’t need to spend in the first place.

We created Edgar in 2014 so that professionals could manage their social media with more consistency and in less time.

The message on the tin was just what I needed and we have decided to give it a go. Within the first few days I knew we could give up both Buffer AND Hootsuit. We have taken two bills into one AND reduced the time needed by our VA by HALF in the process. I am a huge fan of meetEdgar and I think that you should be too. It saved my business already hundreds of pounds. Full disclosure – I do NOT have any affiliate with meetEdgar. It is one of those tools I simply love using and happy to share my experiences in the process.

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