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Video Blogging: Simple Tips for Beginners

video blogging

Like its predecessor (blogging), video blogging or “vlogging” is just as effective when it comes to communication and promotion. Plus, you still need to deliver relevant information in an easy-to-digest format spiced up with some personality. There are a few simple tips that beginners should heed to ensure success.

Script the Clip Beforehand

You’d be surprised at how many vloggers choose to “wing it” when recording their daily or weekly clips. A little planning goes a long way toward putting out a professional vlog. Come up with an episode outline and flesh it out with specific talking points and catchy dialogue.

Invest in Quality Equipment

While your laptop’s webcam is fine for Skype chats, it won’t cut it for vlogging purposes. Buy a high-quality digital camera like the Canon EOS Rebel T5 and a stable tripod. A top-notch microphone like the Blue Yeti and an editing app like Corel VideoStudio are wise investments.

Annotate for Further Clarity

Sprucing up your videos with on-screen links or additional information at appropriate moments makes your posts so much more powerful. Most popular video-sharing platforms like YouTube have built-in annotation features that make it easy for non-technical users to flesh out their vlog episodes.

Diversify Your Distribution

If you want to reach the widest audience possible, publishing your content in a variety of formats is key. Provide viewers with different versions of your posts like compact MP4 files and high-definition MKV files. Lastly, publish posts on an array of platforms ranging from YouTube to Vimeo.

Ape the Pros Till You Know

Productive entrepreneurs take their cues from established luminaries when devising their blueprints for success. Study the tactics of well-known vlogging experts like Amy Schmittauer and integrate them into your own regimen. Once you get a feel for what works, you can play around with your own theories regarding what makes a vlog truly outstanding.

Take it One Day at a Time

Creating a superior video blog is a process that shouldn’t be rushed. It’s best to start slow and grow gradually. Use organic, grassroots promotional methods to advertise your vlog to new viewers. By the time you attain widespread popularity, your video blog will be a polished entity with a clear focus.

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