Izabela Russell

Izabela a co-founder of New Media Europe and the head of a UK based audio branding company - Music Radio Creative. Working with over 4500 clients, spread across 197 different countries each year.
  • Appreciation

    As I write is it is the weekend and for me this is a perfect time to pause, reflect and appreciate things that are around me. From my family, the house I live in, the garden I have, the flowers that currently grow in it and the fact that my...
  • What Are The Best Podcast Ad Formats?

    Podcast advertising rates are booming according to recent research. If you want to be a part of this growing audio industry then make sure the ads on your show are working. What Podcast Ad Formats Are There? It is important to understand the different forms a podcast advert can take....
  • A Year of Reading the World

    I have always liked reading. Ever since I was a child I needed to have a book before the bedtime. As a 10yr old I used to disobey all my mother’s “go to bed” orders and I would enter different worlds my books had to offer. I still think...
  • Stats That Shake the New Media World in 2017

    I am always interested in the “party lines” or “conversation openers”. Did you know that more people are alive today that have ever died before? You see, I have your attention! Those short and to the point facts are great conversation starters. When it comes to new media they...
  • Why Podcasters Owe Their Success to Radio

    I had to come all the way to Australia (no kidding! writing this article from sunny Perth) to realise that radio in the UK sucks. This made me realise further that this is likely one of the largest reasons why general public turns towards podcasters to provide what radio...
  • How to Choose the Best Social Media Platform

    Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope and many many others. How the heck do you choose the right place to spend your marketing dollar? Social media is a great opportunity for you and for your business to reach a high number of potential customers. But lets face it,...
  • brand building

    Building Business and Personal Brand at the Same Time

    Building your brand takes time. Remember that Rome certainly was not built in one day and your business will likely not be either. If you accept that this is a process and that you do need to invest your time and energy in building it up, you are already...
  • You vs Your Business – Why Entrepreneurial Ego Matters

    The more I browse social media the more I come to the conclusion that people are choosing to be somebody they are not just for the sake of maintaining the image they would like to have. Is that OK? Where is that leading us and social media in general?...
  • Tips for Getting More Followers and Likes on Instagram

    There are over 300 million active daily users on Instagram. With the audience of this size it is hard to ignore the possibilities this platform hides. I have been using Instagram since 2012 and in this post I attempt to share with you what in my opinion is the key...