• Tips to get things done

    How to Get Things Done

    How do we get things done? Is it easy to keep track of our goals and aspirations? The future is in your hands. If you ever need to blame anyone. It always comes down to you. Here is how to manage “YOU”. Focus on what matters It is so...
  • Would Entrepreneurs Engage in War?

    Would Entrepreneurs Engage in War?

    With everything that is happening around the world right now, I can’t help but think. Would entrepreneurs engage in war? Would they be patriotic humans that are willing to defend their countries? Or do they take a wider view on the world we live in and think of themselves...
  • small children

    Tips for Entrepreneurs with Small Children

    When we decided to have children both Mike and I were in full time employment in two very different industries. I always knew that I didn’t want to be one of those mums that devote their life to children (nothing wrong with the concept – but not for me!)....
  • daily-journal

    Is a Daily Journal Worth A Hustle?

    Do you journal each day? My journey with this has a mixed success. I always find that when I start I will go for a few days and then for whatever reason will stop. Always some silly excuse such as: “I had a long day”, “I am tired”, “Oh...
  • inbox-zero

    Inbox Zero With Trello

    Inbox zero. A myth? For many months unfortunately it was absolutely impossible for me to get anywhere near the magic number ZERO. It is a daily struggle too. With a time reflection on my side I can see now that this all comes down to really bad habits. First...
  • why-persistence-pays

    Why Persistence Pays

    I think it will be a safe assumption that we all are familiar with the nursery rhyme about old McDonald? Business in general is a little bit like having a farm. I think we can all learn a thing or two from farmers. Ground Preparation At the start you...
  • Krishna De

    Believe in Yourself with Krishna De

    Believe in Yourself with Krishna De Krishna De is a digital strategy and social media communications speaker, commentator, educator, and mentor. She’s a judge of several Irish digital marketing awards and developed and leads the certificate and social media communication for the PR Institute of Ireland. You may connect...
  • Pete Matthew

    Financial Planning with Pete Matthew

    Financial Planning with Pete Matthew Pete Matthew is a Chartered Financial Planner, Certified Financial Planner, and Managing Director of Jacksons Wealth Management. He also runs his own business for MeaningfulMoney.tv, a website that conveys Pete’s belief that financial planning is really simple and for a lot of people. You...
  • Rye Taylor

    Adventurous Living with Rye Taylor

    Adventurous Living with Rye Taylor Rye Taylor is a story architect and podcast launch strategist for many of today’s New York Times bestselling authors, influencers, and businesses. He’s the host of Daring & Rye podcast and writer for Huffington Post, among many other publications. You may learn more about...