Marketing Your Small Business With Jon Butt

Marketing Your Small Business With Jon Butt Who is Jon Butt? Jon is a small business marketing expert and an entrepreneur. He is also the man behind the Marketing...

Jon Butt NMEU

Marketing Your Small Business With Jon Butt

Who is Jon Butt?

Jon is a small business marketing expert and an entrepreneur. He is also the man behind the Marketing for Owners podcast. Jon started his own business as a young man selling fire extinguishers! He was able to grow his business using marketing and sales methods he learned from big companies. The methods he tweaked, tested, and improved on worked really well – he was able to sell his business for a 7-digit figure!

Currently, Jon runs Fire Protection Online, UK’s biggest online fire safety provider. You may learn from Jon through his free 12-day marketing course or contact him via his website, Marketing For Owners.

It’s all about the customer

In this episode, we talk about how Jon got started in podcasting and how he makes his podcast’s audio quality sound so good even if he is often outside. For Jon, podcasting is all about being everywhere and where the customers want to be – you have to be at your customers’ convenience.

We talk about entirely letting go of a business and empowering your people to run your business. It is good for small business owners to actually make appointments with free time, find things to do, and make it a habit.

Jon also shares his one regret – not knowing what was going on and what was possible because he didn’t have any entrepreneurial influence. On physical business owners versus online business owners – physical business owners complain about online business owners ruining their business.

Jon also gave a golden nugget of information – what is the secret to getting his online business to run without him. It was a process he worked on for 3 or 4 years. Follow a plan and be patient. The secret is patience rather than listening to the hype of what you hear online.

We also talked about the book Tribal Leadership, one of the best books I’ve ever read.

I would love to hear your thoughts, feedback – good and bad. Twitter is the best place for it @izabelarussell

– welcome to the show!

General一 PODCAST

Izabela a co-founder of New Media Europe and the head of a UK based audio branding company - Music Radio Creative. Working with over 4500 clients, spread across 197 different countries each year.